Trigger Point Therapy (TPT)

Trigger Point Therapy (TPT)

What is a trigger point?

A trigger point is the tender or painful area of a muscle, when stimulated, gives rise to pain elsewhere in the body.

These points are caused by a combination of lactic acid buildup and motor-nerve-ending irritation. Trigger points are usually located in the muscle’s fleshy part (belly).

horse trigger points

What is the Cause of a trigger point?

The cause is multi-factorial. It is usually built on a combination of over working or over stressing the muscles, or the overuse, misuse, underuse, and/or direct trauma of muscles. Trigger points can either be the cause of, or a contributing factor to, a wide variety of painful conditions.

How do you alleviate a trigger point?

Myofascial release, acupressure (manual compression), and massage are applied to deactivate the trigger point and return the injured area to a more normal state of function.