Customized Bodywork

Customized Bodywork

Each session is tailored to meet your horse’s individual needs. The visit begins with an observation of your horse in hand at the walk and trot to evaluate the entire horse for postural and biomechanical dysfunctions. Next, the horse is palpated for pain responses and muscle tone. I also assess joint range of motion, conformation, posture, hoof balance, and balance of muscle use. From this analysis, I developed a scientifically based plan for the session based on the individual horse’s needs.


After the Bodywork is complete, the horse is re-evaluated for any remanding issues. You will receive a written report of my observations. Follow-up appointments are made based on the findings. You may also request a copy of these notes be sent to your veterinarian.


As needed, recommendations for “at-home” activities/exercises, additional treatments, and referrals to other equine professionals may be provided.